Hey Mister!

“Hey Mister,

 Can we dance together? Forever

 under the beautiful dark blue sky.

 Stars shining bright, looking at us with a huge smile.

 Watching us dance for a while

 This freedom, this joy, pretty hard to describe.

 Hey Mister,

 Would you like to grab my hips?

 Never wanting anything else

 just this. You and me,

 this pure feeling of attraction in my body.

 goosebumps irritating my mind

 want to control my thoughts

 but love never lies.


 Hey Mister,

 would you like to give me a kiss?

 My lips are waiting

 I scream inside

 try to control myself

 But love never lies.

 Would you like to spend the night with me? Just for this feeling of freedom,

 happiness and love you always give to me.”

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