Monthly review - Week 4


Wow, I'm already living in Paris for a month. How fast time passes, I'm shocked !

Each month, I ask specific questions to reflect myself and my own development and to understand myself more and more. I love these questions as they prepare me for the next month and help me to focus on what really matters in my life. 

I'll let you have it and hope you can take something for you. :) 

Thank you so much for the feedback I receive. I am so happy to hear it from you. It means a  lot to me. 

September 2018

1) What were my three most important findings this month?

Knowledge number 1: Responsibility 

Since I really live alone I have understood that I am responsible for everything in my life.
No one else is responsible for my results and actions except me. If I want something, I have to get on my way, get my shoes on and run.

Insight Number 2: Where focus goes, energy flows 
What I focus on becomes more. Everything in our lives is made up of energy.
If I focus only on the positive events, I perceive more of them. It's like putting on glasses that allow me to see life more colorful and beautiful.
My focus is guiding my energy.

Cognition Number 3: You are never too important to be nice to people 
Nobody is too important to be nice, sincere or polite.
No matter what status a person has and what he has already achieved in his life - if he can not respectfully treat other people I will never be able to convey respect to him.

2) Did I give 100% this month?
It is the first time that I can honestly say yes. I am proud of myself

3) Was I true to my values?
What are my most important values?

Energy, authenticity, courage, development, freedom, gratitude
- yes, I was.

4) What am I grateful for?

At the moment I feel filled with gratitude. Everything changes, everything is new. Everything is spontaneous, but I know that it will go well and that life is for me. No matter when, no matter where, no matter what.
My assessment of the situation is that which is crucial.
I am grateful for the opportunity to live and to write and create my own story. Chapter by chapter. Merci.

5) Was I the person I want to be in relationships?

I smile because I can admit that I have acted the same way as I imagined last month. It's so nice to be able to give something to people. If only that they do not see themselves and their life as gray and monotonous for a moment.

6) What would I do differently?

Although I'm proud of myself to have done so much, I have to take the time to take a break to recharge my "batteries".

To be able to give 100 percent, I have after my power bank has become empty, find peace and relax for a few hours and do what I can to come into my power.

7) What are my goals for October?

I do not talk so much about goals anymore and spend my time telling others what I plan to do and how much I think I secretly dream of.
I transform words and ideas into actions. At that time Goethe said, "Success has three letters: DO!"

Unused knowledge is like sitting on a rocking chair. You move, but ultimately do not budge.

8) What would I like to spend more time with?

I will deal with dance more deeply. I will develop a deeper understanding and sense of art and immerse myself in what I really love.

I'm working on really understanding my drives and finally getting rid of my thoughts, so I understand that I have thoughts but no longer identify with them. 

9) What do I want to contribute?

Love, Trust, Hope, Courage, Discipline, Ambition, Dedication, Letting go, Allowing things to flow, Mindfulness, Presence, Authenticity, Joy, Humor, Fun, Positivity, Passion, Clarity, Certainty, Cleverness, Determination, Intelligence, Openness, Faith, Implementation, dreams, deeds, compassion, realization, change, wealth, attention, alertness, perfection, recognition, respect, loyalty, esteem

10) What do I want to learn?

- Dance Education: Clarity, Certainty, Courage

- Which language do I chose every day in my mind? 

- What is my real motivation behind all my actions? What is my why?

- Release to allow miracles to happen 

- How millionaires think

- Positioning in the market

Are you ready for octobre? 
I AM .

Thank you so much, 

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Kommentare: 1
  • #1

    Royal (Freitag, 05 Oktober 2018 21:42)

    Really beautiful read. Very encouraging.