Have high lows - Week 11

When you have low moments, decide to have high lows

How do I deal with blows of fate, painful experiences and my own memories from the past?
Am I always as happy as I seem or am I wearing a mask to hide behind my suffering?

I am honest to you.
Of course, I do not always walk around with a big smile on my face, but I understood that it is my own decision and my own responsibility,
which evaluation I give each situationin my life.
When we come into the world we have unlimited potential.
As a small child we are curious, we try everything, we play with ease and make mistakes and learn from it. That's natural. 

When I read a study from Harvard University a few days ago, I got quite pale in my face.
Up to the age of 18, an average, normal person gets to hear up to over 180 000 negative thoughts and influences through his environment.
No wonder we, as humans, are so scared of making mistakes nowadays and constantly struggling with the thought of not being good enough.

Over the years, we lose our basic trust in life.
As a small child, we are not able to distinguish what is good and what is not for our development.
We trust the people who are close to us and imitate their behavior.

To let go of everything, to take off the heavy bag with valuations and experiences from the past, to make its way on the shoulders without a burden is virtually impossible for most people.
But why? Why are so many people unhappy, they don't dare to smile anymore?
Having a job that do not make their heart beat faster?


We are born into our family, but we can choose our own environment.

Who makes you feel good?
When you meet your friends do you have more or less energy after that?

Do you feel strengthened in your dreams and your visions, or are they trying to support your comfort zone,
distract yourself from what you really want to manifest in your life, try to talk you down?

If you want to fly, if you want to go all the way up, you have to learn to let go, which pulls you down.

By this I mean paying close attention to who you spend your time with,
HOW you spend your time, and WHY you are doing what you do. 

I have decided not to share everything with everyone around me.
I love spending time with other people, but I realize that most of your friends are not really interested in your success and your personal growth.
People will try to criticize you because they are afraidf of losing you.

They notice that you want to change, that you suddenly have different views, that you learn to use your time differently.
People will criticize you and your ideas because they want to distract from their own weaknesse.
When you grow up, when you're brave and you're facing your fears out, doing things that you would not have done otherwise, when you start poking out of the crowd, you're putting a mirror in front of all your friends, and who wants to see how he wastes his lifetime and does useless things?

If you have great, crazy ideas,
If you plan on making a world tour, moving to another city,  being a musician or an actor,
if you want to share your art and your soul with the world, KEEP YOUR IDEA FOR YOU.
Most people are not interested in your success.
Do not be discouraged by others. Trust the universe.


If you want something really, with all your heart, then the whole universe will work to make your dream come true!

Be your own fan, be the energy you want to have in your life.
Stop looking right and left, stop paying attention to what the others are doing in their lives.
Be different, think crazy and dream as big as you can.

Remember that you could die tomorrow.
What would you regret? Which books could you have written?
Which people could you have helped? 
Even if this Blogpost only helps one person, if this post is read by a person in silence and that person feels a little better now than before,
then it was 100% worth the time I invested.

I know what it feels like to be alone.
I know that when others try to explain to you consistently that what you're about to do, what you're passionate about,
would not work, that you would dream too big, that it's too dangerous, that you're too young, too small, too fat, too stupid -
stop wasting your time talking.
Sit down and write down what you want to do with your life in silence.
Sit down and write your own script, create your own reality.
Make the world the way you like it. You are responsible for your life.

It's all in you.

To feel pain is unavoidable.
There will be moments in your life that feel uncomfortable, that you will not understand at the beginning.
To feel long-term suffering is a decision that you make every day.
Stop telling me your story about your past, I do not want to hear anything about your illnesses.
EACH of us has to carry his own bag.

Suffering is the identification with our thoughts and with our past.
Suffering is an illusion.

Everything is in constant motion. Everything flows. Every moment is different.


When you understand that everything is flowing, that every moment and every feeling goes by, you can consciously choose to take on personal responsibility and develop control over your thoughts and feelings.

How do you respond to your life? How do you talk to yourself?
You do not always have to believe what you think.
Question others BUT question yourself first.
The grass is only as green as your mindset.
Get out of your head, get out of your habits that push you down.
Start expressing yourself honestly.
Sincerity is so beautiful. I miss this. You do not have to fit in.

Sometimes we have to stand up for ourselves to roll out of the trap.

Embrace the fact that you feel so different and learn to listen. 

Bisous et à Bientôt! 

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