Detachment from the Ego - Week 21

When we were born, we love unconditionally, with a pure heart.
We give away our smile, we are open to all the good things that may come in our lives.

When we look at children we imidiately feel that innocence, that lightness, that radiance in their eyes that automatically makes us happy.
We almost yearn for their naivety and their optimism, their self-confidence.

As we grow up, we lose that natural optimism, our basic trust in life, in ourselves and our own abilities.
We begin to blame, to judge ourselves for the person we are.

We question and start to criticize ourselves.
We are always searching for more, never having enough.

We are searching something outside to fulfill us - to make us happy.

And then we forget who we are. 

Controlled by a part of us that thinks we are isolated from the world.

That part of us that defines itself by what it owns. It starts with our toys at an early age.

We believe that the more I own, the happier and more fulfilling I should be.
If we believe that our value is dependent on what we own or what we afford on a daily base , we will lose our identity in the loss of these material objects.

The EGO starts to compare.
We think we're not right when people do not like us, so we adapt.
We keep paying attention to other's opinions wondering what they could think about us.

We, as victims of external circumstances, having no power over our own lives.

We firmly believe that other people are responsible for our emotional state, our well-being.
We give away our responsibility and thus we lose power over our own lives. 

The ego tells you that you are separated from God.
The ego is selfish and self-destructive.
It tries to invent reasons why we could not influence our own destiny and lets us believe that our life is a competition.

Our competitive thinking is driving us insane.
Who's prettier? Who is smarter? Who is better, faster, slimmer?

We feel miserable.

We live in a false illusion, we live a single lie.

The ego is not worth defending.
We are here to remember who we once were.
Our destiny, our reputation is already there.
All we have to do is to kill our own ego, go into silence and connect with our true essence.

When we walk into silence and deal with ourselves,
we have the opportunity to access our own greatness, our own divinity.

A warm feeling is rising in us. We understand that we are here to create sth bigger than ourselves.

We are not here to do anything to "make us a name" - we are here to develop ourselves.
To share our true, unique gift with the world.

We are here to give something back to others and to be a light to them in their darkness.

When we let go of our ego we stop with complaining, comparing, doubting.
We no longer want to argue or always be right.

It's not about being better than others - it's about helping the other to be the best version of themself.

It's less me and more WE.
We free ourselves from our lack of thinking and realize that everything is already there what we need to feel true happiness.

We stop fighting with ourselves, with others.

We no longer have to seek outward confirmation, because we act out of our inner destiny.
We are one with our own truth.

We stop racing and learn to enjoy.
We enjoy sex without blaming ourselves for our own pleasure.
We no longer feel shame for our own values and norms that we represent and stand up for.
We do not have to prove that we are self-confident, that we are strong or intelligent - WE SIMPLY EXIST.


We learn to forgive, we open ourselves to spirituality and stop judging.
We are honest, genuine, authentic in our thinking, feeling and acting.
Personal peace becomes more important than prosperity, success, wild adventures, drugs or the desire for attention and respect.

You start to live from the inside and suddenly you notice an inner light that will give you strength.
You cannot give away sth you don't have by yourself.

Sometimes we just have to be there, shut up and start to listen.

Silence is never empty, silence is always full of answers.
We have to be attentive, take care and open ourselves to the Source, which has all the answers in it.

Our own divinity, connectedness, creativeness.



And then your vision changes, suddenly you see other people in a different light and the only thing you'll ask yourself more often is:

How can I serve other people?

What can I give back to other people?

How can I be more kind?

Am I honest and authentic?

Am I judging? Is my love unconditional? 

Do my words match my actions?

Am I respectful?

Encourage and help others to realize their own dreams?

Do I choose my ego or my own infinity?



Trust in sth that is bigger than yourself. It guides you, you just have to listen.
Take care of your thoughts and your energy - they create your reality.


Thank you. 

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