Why do I dance *update* - Week 27

As a young child, our highest desire is to express ourselves and our soul as honestly and sincerely as possible.
Have you ever looked into the eyes of a small child and wondered why they looked so wise, so unconditionally happy and satisfied?

It almost seems to me that when we look into their eyes we suddenly find all the answers to our questions and problems.
It's like we're communicating with the source of human beings.

This source, wisdom and solution to all our questions and problems is the return to our true nature.
The detachment from our ego.

Our ego is the part of us that claims to be separate, isolated and not good enough.

Who tries to tell us that we would never do enough, that we are not valuable.

As we get older we begin to distrust our own nature.

We begin to curse our uniqueness, our magnificence.
We start to feel guilty for our true desires and dreams.

Maybe I am wrong the why I am? and after a while we trust that strange feeling and start to live in a false illusion.

Children learn the fastest, right? They are not afraid of making mistakes. 

They nourish their creative streak on a daily basis, they give unconditional love and abundance
without the thought that they could ever lose something.

They live in harmony with their true essence and their true values.


Again and again I ask myself the question why do I dance and why movement fascinates me so much.
Each dancer pursues different intentions.
Some dancers want to prove themselves, win on battles, compete with others.
Others see it as a hobby that brings them joy and variety.


For me, dance is the return to my true essence.


Through movement, the sincere and conscious perception of my body, I feel connected to my original power, to my nature
- I feel connected to the woman to whom I was destined.

When I was little I hopped around a lot.
I've had a lot of energy all through my life, which I had to somehow get rid of.

When I started to dance, I understood that this is a way to be honest with myself and to give myself the opportunity to express my soul.

Dancing allows me to live in harmony with my values such as Health, Personal growth, passion, determination, clarity, courage, gratitude, sincerity, happiness, helpfulness, creativity, calmness inner peace and serenity.

To gain clarity about what is really important to me and what I want to create in this life that I've received as a gift.

I do not dance to impress others, to show what I can do. I am honest to you, I don't care about that at all. 

The feeling that you enjoy when you stand alone in the club at 2 o'clock in the night,
the music flows through you and you just let yourself be guided. Surrendering myself to the music and to something more powerful than me. 
This is the moment when I impress myself with the love that is in me.

Movement is life, life is movement.
Life is all about energy.

If we stop dancing through our lives, we lose not only ourselves, but also what makes us unique.


This fire, this passion and love for what we did as a small child and the acceptance and realization of it can make our light shine.

Movements can be so healing, and dancing gives me the opportunity to detach myself from my ego and connect with a higher power.

Art for me is the fusion of spirituality and what already exists. 

Art emphasizes the true essence of human beings.


It's like magic that makes you see clearer, think deeper and feel different.


I've never danced to compete with others or to be better.

I dance to understand who I am in order to bring together the three units of our being (body, mind and soul).

The interconnectedness of these elements is a way for me to connect with my feminine essence, my strength and my original power
to shape my life the way I want to.


A light or a reminder for others that achievement,
competition or the isolation to God and others is just a fictitious,
false illusion of our ego.


Thank you. 

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