Connexion - Week 32

– sth. About humanity, life, some of my thoughts in general 

The human birth is a precious gift.
Since our first day here on this earth, we have the opportunity to express our soul through our body. We are here to experience life, to enhance our intelligence and perception.

Our birth gives us the irreplaceable chance to realize unconditional love, pure awareness, clear consciousness.


If we look into the eyes of a child, we are deeply touched.
His radiant liveliness is almost frightening to us because we are no longer accustomed to looking at someone who wants to give love so openly, without prejudice, without expectations.

This wholeness, alertness and love is our nature, the origin of every human being - that is us when we fully agree, when we are truly connected with life.

If we want to get involved in life and want to experience it in its fullness.

We are so rushed, in stress, always on the move.
We want to get better, farther, faster, leaner, more aware, more optimized.
This continuous pursuit of improvement, optimization, more wealth and abundance makes our nature hide behind a thick, gray mist.

We demand so much from each other and ourselves, we put everything and everyone's expectations, we play a game where we can not win.


No matter how hard we try, we always have the feeling of losing.

The loss comes over us every day and we believe in that sacrificial attitude.

Our inner judge is shouting at us every day;
“be productive! " "you'll never be successful anyway."
"Do not hope so much, you will not make it anyway." "Your dreams are unrealistic, you are not good enough.”

We all (!) have this inner judge who abuses us. No one abuses you as much as you do yourself.
Life is viewed through a filter of fear, we lose ourselves, our love, our nature, our life.

In the eternal search for the meaning of why we are here and what we should do to be loved we are seeking for answers.
We ask others what they think about it, what they think of our new idea and forget that sometimes it is simply the best to be silent, to say actually nothing.

We live in the fear of not being enough.
We are so afraid of not being perfect that we devalue ourselves.
We reject ourselves and thus everything around us.

When we go into self-rejection, we automatically reject God, the universe - all to which we are connected. Self-denial means refusing life.

Children are our greatest teachers.
Truly free people live without fear of their own imperfection.

Children are authentic, make mistakes and learn.
Because they give themselves permission not to be perfect.

As soon as we realize that we are playing a game with unfair rules, that one day we locked ourselves in our own prison, we also see our potential to return to the man / woman, to become the person we really are are.

It's not about getting somewhere someday. Rather, I am currently working on the return to the woman I was born to.
I turn off distractions. I no longer look at any beauty ideals in magazines. I stop being so hard on myself, blaming others for my emotional state.
Nothing more to take personally, not to take myself too seriously, not to jump to conclusions, blameless and careful to handle my words.

"Always just doing your best."

Sometimes my best possible performance is of high quality, sometimes lower.
But I accept that, too. That's part of me. Because all of that, all those little changes, this cycle of my life is a testament to my liveliness.

Buddha once said that
"all suffering or dissatisfaction comes from the mistaken understanding that we are an independent, independent and separate ego or self."
Caught in desire and aversion, caught in comparison and eager for more be true as one is.
YOU ARE EVERYTHING you can ever be. We cannot become more, we can only throw that from ourselves, which is not ourselves.

Metaphorically speaking, our Western culture is comparable to a large, uprooted tree that blows its roots into the air
- with the desire to become even more of what it already is.

"We perish from the lack of fulfillment of our greatest needs.

We are cut off from the biggest source of our nutrition and renewal inside.

We have to implant ourselves again in the universe. "- D.H. Lawrence

To suffer is a choice.  You can choose what you feel and who you want to be.

We recognize ourselves in silence, take a deep breath, take a break, turn off everything which is around us.
We are allowed to awaken and heal from the needy ego, to realize that everything is already there.

Here. Right now.

Thank you. 


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