The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz


Reading is a valuable opportunity, an incredible opportunity to learn in a short time from the experiences of another person who summarized all their wisdom in a book for you.
Anyone who does not take advantage of this opportunity is missing so much.

If we can learn in a month what the author has spent his entire life trying to put into words and write it down on paper, we are not just smart, but intelligent.


Knowledge is power when you take action. Of course, it's not just about reading good books, for fun and entertainment.
You will not enjoy a book longterm until you apply what the author reports.
Then you will enjoy the process of reading, the process of learning because you realize that your view of the world changes abruptly.

This post is a short summary of the main points I was allowed to take from the book. Maybe it will inspire you if you've been too lazy to read books, start taking time for yourself, holding a good book in your hands. Maybe it gives you an incentive to choose to choose your own destiny. 

Don Miguel Ruiz grew up in Mexico in the countryside. His parents were healers and taught him the esoteric wisdom of the Toltecs known as "Women and Men of Knowledge." Driven by society, Don first studied medicine, wishing to become a surgeon.

After a near-death experience in a car accident, he deepened his knowledge of the Toltec wisdom and became a nagual (shaman) of the "Eagle Knight Line".

First promise:

Use your words wisely.
Use your words in a proper way.
Use them to share love.
Use the white magic by starting from yourself.
Handle your words carefully. 

Our words are the most powerful tool available to us.
In the way we talk to ourselves and to others, we can see if a person truly loves, accepts and acknowledges or not. We all know the voice in our head that keeps saying that we can not do something, that maybe we are not good enough, that we should not even try it.

If we have that voice under control, if we have freed ourselves from our ego and connected with our true nature, we are in our own power.


The first promise is the most important thing in my opinion. All your words and thoughts vibrate at a certain energy, they vibrate at a frequency that is either high or low. The higher your energy, the faster your thought or word will manifest in reality.
Be it in a positive or a negative sense. We need to understand and learn how to handle our energy properly. How we can use our creative power for ourselves.
We have to understand that we are not our thoughts.
We have thoughts, but we are the pure consciousness that can choose which thoughts it wants to absorb and which not.

The second promise:

Don't take anything personally.


Envy, jealousy, hate, insults, bullying, "gossip" - the cause of all these things is the lack of self-love and the need to feel better by comparing to another person who is talking about the other person in a bad way.

Don explains that the fact of taking everything personally is the highest expression of selfishness, claiming everything would turn around you.

"But nothing that other people do has something to do with you, they always do it for themselves."


Let's say someone wants to give you a really big dunghill. He claims that you would need this gift, that it would suit you,
that you would like to have this shit with you.

Let me ask you a question;

If you do not accept the gift, who does it belong to?


The same is true for hate, envy or insults - negative words which, if we take them personally, paralyze us like venom and are slowly killing us from within.


"What Paul says about Peter says more about Paul than about Peter."

The Third Promise:
Do not jump to premature sayings


Our mind is like a hammer. We can create great sculptures with him, build something breathtaking, but the next moment we can use the hammer to smash windows and built sculptures and harm other people and ourselves. It's up to us how we want to use our minds.

All the dramas, all sadness and suffering come into our minds through the millions of thoughts, through the millions of different voices that create pure chaos in the human mind.


You probably know the story of the man who wants a hammer from Paul Watzlawick.

We decide to be happy or just unhappy. No one else is responsible except us.

If we jump to conclusions, we create our own horror movie in our head.

Why do not we realize a comedy or a romance? or an action film in which we recognize ourselves as a superhero?

The Fourth Promise:
Always do your best, not more, not less


There was a long time in my life in which I condemned myself if I wasn't able to give 120 percent.
If I simply noticed during a workout, during a dance lesson that my body was just not able to do it and needed a break,
I didn't want to acknowledge that break and insulted myself "I'm too weak, I'd give up, I'm not good enough - so I'll never reach my goal."

But life is about change, life is movement and movement is life.

Regardless of the quality, always do your best - not more, not less.
No one but you can decide if it was the best possible performance at the moment. No one is in your skin, bearing your story on your shoulders.
You alone decide if it was the best you could do or not. IT IS JUST NOT IMPORTANT WHAT OTHER PEOPLE SAY; THINK OR DO TO YOU.
If it feels not good for you to be around with these people, give a shit, turn around and go your own way. 

That is how we act out of love for what we do. Not because we expect a reward or fear of punishment, fear of losing love.


To fully accept ourselves means to be sincere and honest with oneself, to fully love oneself in every aspect and every phase of life, to allow oneself to experience this life in abundance. 

There is no need to be accepted by others.
We express our own divinity by being alive by unconditionally loving ourselves and others by allowing ourselves to just be. Right here, in this moment. 

By allowing ourselves to consider each day as a new life.
By liberating ourselves from the ideas and expectations of society, unleashing them, detaching ourselves from our egos and letting go.

By being love and sharing that love with others.

Just because it gives pleasure and we've received this life as a gift.

To enjoy it, to feel it, to be amused, to experience it.

When we look at ourselves, really look at who we are and what our gift for the world is, we are ready to meet other people sincerely and with open hearts.

Then we would look at each other more - really perceive each other, because our mind is pure and clear.


Thank you, 

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