Let the music move you - Week 7

There is no time for doubting myself.
I am not going to let my fear guide me. I am way more than my ego who is trying to talk me out of it. Who is trying to destroy my dreams and my vison.

I want my life to be so interesting, so inspiring that someday people dream about their life watching my own movie, watching my story of development, growing and acting in the face of fear.

It is a paradox that I am currently so negative about it that I finally do what I have longed for so long. Why do I carry the belief in me that dancing is not enough?

I remember the moment when I was in school and we were asked by my teacher what we want to do in the future. I confidently told my plans and remember all the faces that smiled at me. I did not care what others thought of me. I had the impression that I was so clear in what I wanted to do.
But suddenly my teacher held my own border like a mirror in front of my eyes.

She repeated my words. "I'm not sure if I JUST want to dance. I think I have to  go in the direction of personal development and coaching too, to gain enough money.”

“Do you think that being a dancer is not good enough? It does not matter what you will work in the future. The only thing that matters is the intention with which you do it. What is your purpose, what is your outcome when you think about dance?”

Why do I think it would not be enough to be a dancer, even though it's dance that has been with me all my life.

It's dancing that has always relieved me of my thoughts. Again and again I returned to movements that redeemed me, which let me feel freedom. That freed me and my body from the cares and the burden. I want to achieve more respect for dancers in the future.

I want dancers to be viewed and recognized.


To be a dancer, to be an artist should be supported as well as the fact of studying medicine.

Why are artists so rarely supported by the government?

Why do most dancers gain not enough money, yet it is we who make the world shine again?
What would life be without art? What would the world be without street musicians?
What would Paris be without a Leonardo Da Vinci or a Picasso, without the beautiful buildings with their charm, what would the world be without dancers to make us dream?

We as dancers have a mission that guides us and drives us deep inside.

We are the brushes that allow the artist to paint a fabulous painting.
Machines are not able to do this. Our job is incredibly valuable to the market.


It makes me so angry that we are losing culture and artists are so often not recognized for what they do.
So much work, so many tears, so much sweat is behind the works that are created by artists. To organize a show, a spectacle shapes a new dimension, creates a new relationship not only among the dancers but among the world. 

Dancing is one of the most natural things that we usually unlearn when we are older.
As a young child, we hear the music and it leads us.

It guides and moves us without having to think about what we do, how we should move.

How many older people do not dare to move to music anymore?
They are afraid to be judged. To lose love from their environment, not to be seen anymore.

But that's exactly what seduces us.

When we let go and let ourselves drift away from the music, MIRACLES happen, to which we all like to remember.

If we manage to let go and allow what the music does to us, we inspire other people.
We touch other people because we do not communicate with words but with the basic trust that we have almost lost.


Dancing is free, free from evaluation, free of limits. We just have to be. We do not have to imitate anyone, we do not have to adapt. We just have to be who we really are. We are allowed to return to our most natural state, we can close our eyes and feel. We are allowed to shut our mouths for a moment in our stressed society and open our ears wide to really listen. To listen and understand what sounds our heart moves and what music may guide us through the day.

The one or other of you might smile now, because he does not understand and has not yet experienced what freedom and joy one goes through when you can fully indulge in the music. The world often seems so gray, so monotonous and so hard for us to forbid ourselves to return to our most natural form.

I love to look young children in the eyes. The eyes are the mirror of one's own soul. They carry that lightness, that freedom, that beautiful naivety and curiosity that reminds us of our carefree self that we once were.
Children inspire me so much. I see God in their eyes, I see hope and trust.
I feel love and warmth instead of mistrust and cold.

The dancers who touch us most are those who open themselves to the world and discard their mask and ego. It is those who indulge in music and become one with it. Who lose themselves in their own movements and let themselves be moved by the music. Those who lose their minds and create with their hearts something new, something great, that gives the world color, joy and hope.
Hope that life is not as gray as it seems.

The spirit can do so much to the music, to the dancer. Dancers help you to visualize the music, they make you dream, they create BEAUTY, they create colors where you used to see black, they make you open up your heart where you tend to be closed.

I know the creator will go but his work survives; that is why to escape death, I attempt to bind my soul to my work. – Michelangelo

Bisous et à bientôt! 

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